
What Time Is She Coming At?
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What Time is She Coming At? was a short film created during the National Youth Film School 2019.

Patrick and Damien have been together for a while but nothing puts their relationship to the test more than meeting Damien’s mother…

Behind The Scenes

The National Youth Film School

The National Youth Film School is a summer course that takes place in Kilkenny, Ireland each year. During the course, young people get a chance to work together to create short films in a professional environment.

The participants of the NYFS course were split into groups, and given a pre-selected script to produce. These scripts were also written by young people, and were selected through a screenwriting competition.

The various roles within these groups were assigned by the facilitators. Once these roles were established, each group had a table read with their actors and were given the freedom to plan ahead for the shoot days.

Camera & Lighting
Molly Hoque, Maria Mitrovic
Sophie Lynch
Steven Nolan (Patrick), Ben Lanigan (Damien), Margaret Whitely (Mother), Fionn Fitzpatrick (Waiter)
Assistant Director
Stuart Elliott
Luke Hennelly, Nicholas Madden
Fresh Film Festival - Shortlisted
Galway Junior Film Fleadh – Shortlisted
National Youth Film School
County Kilkenny, Ireland
Special Thanks
Young Irish Film Makers, National Youth Film School

My role during this production was on camera, I had never been in this position previously. It gave me an opportunity to understand cinematography with a new appreciation. Not only does it require discipline (setting up new shots constantly, factoring in the environment) it also requires imagination and spontaneity.